Daily Devotion - February 18, 2025

Your testimonies are wonderful; therefore my soul keeps them. The unfolding of your words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple. (Psalm 119:129-30)

If our reason for reading our Bibles is to keep God from being mad at us, then we’re reading to earn points that we can use to barter with God for his mercy. That’s not how he desires for us to use his Word.

God wants a relationship with us. He doesn’t want us to read a few verses every day just to get them checked off our “to-do” list – or to keep him off our backs. 

Attempts to convert Bible reading (or prayer, or church attendance, etc.) to obedience nickels that we can plug into a celestial vending machine dispensing heaven’s blessings, always fall apart when we remember that our best works are filthy rags to God. 

The only way we can have a loving relationship with him is not to view any spiritual discipline as a holy bribe, but as bread – God’s gracious provision to nourish and strengthen our faith in his heart.

So, the next time you’re reading your Bible, let the message of his love satisfy you, rather than trying to manipulate him!

Prayer: Father, help me to relish my daily bread of your care through your Word. Make our relationship sweeter, richer and stronger by the grace you reveal that nourishes my faith and binds my heart to yours.


Daily Devotion - February 19, 2025


Daily Devotion - February 17, 2025