Daily Devotion - January 21, 2025
I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” (Genesis 3:15 NIV)
There are not many places in the Bible where God addresses Satan, and this one is crucial. If we’re going to understand how grace unfolds throughout Scripture to culminate in Christ’s work, we must grasp the power of this first prophecy of Jesus. It is God’s earliest war cry declaring Satan’s ruin.
After Satan’s temptation resulted in sin that corrupted our world, God immediately revealed his rescue plan. He promised to send an offspring of Eve who would ultimately crush the power of Satan. That offspring is Jesus!
God also tells us that the offspring of Eve will suffer injury from battling Satan, but Jesus’ victory is sure. Satan will be destroyed, and many people will be made righteous (Is. 53:11). So, God tells us from the beginning, “You are not your Redeemer, but I will send him to suffer and save you.”
Not all subsequent texts teach this grace in the same way. Sometimes the Bible reveals aspects of grace through prophecies like this, but also through poetry, history, proverbs, and inspired letters.
As different as these Bible passages are, they have a common denominator: they show how God provides for those who cannot provide for themselves. The many facets of the diamond of grace are polished on every page of Scripture until we can see and treasure the jewel that Jesus is.
Through this jewel of grace, we not only understand how God’s plan of salvation unfolds but how we should live in response to Christ’s victory.
Prayer: Father, thank you for promising the victorious grace of Jesus and revealing it with the divine patience needed for my heart. May the grace you unfold throughout Scripture capture my heart and change my life for his glory.