Daily Devotion - January 31, 2025

What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it? (Rom. 6:1-2)

Here, the Apostle Paul strongly cautions against using the grace of God to continue to sin by figuring, “all will be forgiven.” This is not because there isn’t enough of God’s grace to forgive mounting sins.

Instead, Paul reminds believers that grace has destroyed the sinful life that once enslaved us. No one should want to go back to living in slavery. If we truly understand how powerful and profound is the grace of God that has made our slavery a thing of the past – an existence that is dead to us now – then we will never want to go back to that life.

Yes, God will always forgive those who confess their sin and need of him. But, once we understand how incredibly gracious, generous, and loving is his pardon, then we increasingly desire to turn from the sin that grieves him and enslaves us!

Resting on God’s grace does not relieve our obligation to honor him but powerfully stimulates our love to live for God’s glory and in our freedom!

Prayer: Father, thank you for setting me free in Christ from the slavery of sin. Keep me today from returning to sin’s slavery as I live to glorify you and to rejoice in the freedom from sin’s guilt and power that Jesus provides!


Daily Devotion - February 3, 2025


Daily Devotion - January 30, 2025